Forever Grateful
Meet the Cross family
I was 27 weeks pregnant when I found out that our son, Zane, was going to be born with Apert Syndrome. My husband is in the US Navy, and I worked two jobs at the time, so that we could live a very comfortable life with our then 3-year-old, Hailey. Our plan all along was that I would still work after having baby number two. After giving birth to Zane we soon realized that I wouldn’t be able to go back to work because Zane needed more attention than a babysitter or childcare could give him. We were scared… what were we going to do?! We travel from South East (coastal) Virginia to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to get Zane to the specialized care he needs. This is where FACES comes in. When I received the first email from Kim Fox it was so warm and comforting! FACES helps with our many travels to Philadelphia and even helped with a trip to Boston for a second opinion. They have listened to our journey and have given emotional support. There aren’t enough ‘Thank yous’ in the world that I could give to FACES and those who work there... You have been our light in some stressful times!
Forever Grateful!
Ashley, Michael,
Hailey, & Zane Cross