Dear Friends of FACES,
It is a privilege for me to write and share with you the gratitude in my heart for the donations you make to FACES.
I learned that I was pregnant with Cammi just before moving with my husband and three children back to our home state of Nevada from Texas. I found a job and rented a house big enough for all of us. It was then that my life started falling apart. I was 21 weeks pregnant when I had the ultrasound that showed my little girl had a cleft lip and possibly a cleft palate. My husband insisted that I terminate the pregnancy, and when I refused, he left us.
I knew then that I was going to take care of my baby on my own no matter how hard it was going to be. My mother moved in with us to help. I was working long hours to support my children. I tried to learn everything I could about clefts and I found a very experienced craniofacial medical team in California. I knew this would be the best place to take my baby, but I also knew I would not have the money to pay for the airfare and other expenses.
Desperate for help, I searched the web and I found the blessing I needed to get my baby to the best doctors - FACES! Cammi Grace was born on March 29th. She was born with a cleft lip and palate and she only had one nostril. Cammi has had seven surgeries and more are to come.
FACES has made it possible for us to get the surgeries that Cammi has needed. I would not be able to do this without the help of FACES and those of you who contribute. My heartfelt thank you does not even begin to express my gratitude to you for helping my Cammi to be so beautiful and live a normal life.
Danielle, Cammi's mommy